Beverly Duran

Bellevue University

As an Education major with a deep passion for public education, I am honored to express my sincere interest in being selected as a delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly (RA), representing the NSEA Aspiring Educators. This opportunity would allow me to advocate for the crucial issues facing our public schools, educators, and students on a national scale.

Throughout my academic journey, I have developed an unwavering commitment to the fundamental principles of public education – providing every child with equal access to quality learning opportunities, fostering inclusive environments that celebrate diversity, and empowering educators to inspire and shape the minds of future generations. I firmly believe that strong public schools are the bedrock of a thriving society, and it is our collective responsibility to champion their cause.

As an active member of the NSEA Aspiring Educators for the past two years, I have consistently demonstrated my dedication to advocating for public education. Through my involvement in various initiatives and events, I have gained invaluable insights into the challenges educators and students face, further fueling my determination to be a voice for positive change.

Running For: 
Student NEA RA Delegate