Conversations on Race and Belonging: Diving Deeper

Diving Deeper Sessions, October 2023 - May 2024 ( 1-3:30 pm on Sundays: October 29, January 21, March 3, & May 19, virtual)

Conversations About Race & Belonging: Diving Deeper are four virtual 2.5-hour interactive seminars that introduce nuanced topics to practice deep listening and invitational, relational skills to engage in meaningful and intentional conversations, with no pre-requisite. Participants may join any or all programs.

Topics will include Racism & Race, Immigration and Citizenship, and Politics and the Culture Wars. Sessions will focus on exploring essential questions that "call in" others to meaningful discussions that reflect the complicated aspects of the issues; experiencing approaches to create spaces for dialogue that present "learning edges," while remaining relational and invitational, and sharing individual stories that build connection and belonging.

Sessions offer opportunities to practice:

•    How to create "brave spaces" that encourage learning and expression and which feel safe as an intentional function of the group rather than assumed;
•    How to offer and elicit personal stories as a way to engage sensitive topics in a way that draws people into conversation and relationship;
•    How to create authentic relational connections that engender the experience of belonging; and
•    How to develop engaging and relational dialogue prompts that filter out diversionary tactics intended to polarize and inflame discussions.


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